Oil Services

Since 1986 Rich’s has been providing friendly and reliable service to many satisfied customers. Thousands of your neighbors have placed their trust in Rich’s, and so can you. We’ll help you “keep it comfy” and affordable!

Rich’s offers prompt, reliable oil delivery with competitive prices, flexible payment and budget plans. We provide our automatic delivery customers the assurance of 24-hour emergency service, so they will never be left in the cold.


  • Reliable, Friendly Service
  • Thousands of Satisfied Customer
  • Senior Citizen Discount

Automatic Delivery & Flexible Payment Plans

By becoming an automatic delivery customer, you’ll never have to worry about running out of oil. You’ll have the benefit of receiving the best price available at time of delivery.

New automatic delivery customers receive a free heating system evaluation and a special gift – a token of appreciation for trusting Rich’s with your family’s comfort.

Rich’s strives to make it as easy as possible for you to stay comfortable. To this end, we offer flexible payment plans. Become a Rich’s customer, and you have choices.

  • Price Protection Plans
  • Budget Payment Plans
  • Prompt Payment Pricing
  • 30-Day Term Pricing (subject to credit approval)
  • Mastercard, Visa & Discover Payment Options

Budget Payment Plans

Rich’s Budget Payment Plan is a free service to help manage your expenses by equalizing monthly oil bills.


  • Once enrolled, Richs will forecast the cost of oil for the coming year by looking at the amount of oil used at your address for the same time-period the prior year. The projected amount is divided into equal monthly payments. Total Yearly Energy Use divided by 10 months = Budget Billing Amount
  • By equalizing your payments over a 10-month period, you avoid the seasonal peaks associated with heating and cooling months.
  • Periodic reviews are conducted on your account. If there is a significant difference, the budget amount will be adjusted accordingly.
  • Once a year, a settlement bill is calculated and credit balances will be included in next year’s budget calculation.